Friday, December 30, 2011
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Merry Christmas
Merry merry Christmas to everyone that I love! Here's a couple things I found this month, that I really like.
The first are these Bible videos. They are done so beautifully. Here's a still picture from one of them. They are made by my church and are really neat to watch at this time of year. They plan to put more videos on as they are made, all based on the life of Jesus Christ.
Ok, kids are home. Off I go.
Thursday, December 08, 2011
Ammon: Mum can I play on the computer?
Mum: No
Ammon: Mum can I play on the computer?
Mum: (ignores him)
Ammon: Mum can I play on the computer?
Mum: (still ignoring him)
Ammon: You're a nice Mum and you are beautiful.
Mum: Are you saying nice things so I'll let you play on the computer?
Ammon: Yes
It worked.
Sunday, December 04, 2011
December 4th
It's December! Yay! I love December. I love the excitement of Christmas. I love the joy my kids show about the whole season.
Our 25 days of Christmas has started. 1st - Start eating your chocolate advent calendar. 2nd - Play Christmas bingo. 3rd - Go to Elisa's party. 4th - Do our Christmas cards. Well this one hasn't really happened because both girls went off to Granny's after church, so I'm going to move it to tomorrow. The 5th was supposed to be bake gingerbread men and read the story from the library but the previous person hasn't returned the book yet, so that one gets delayed. Kind of all works out really doesn't it? Coming up are things like teacher treats, paint the windows, sleep by the tree, buy a new ornament and go to the Temple lights.
This week we also have Leah's athletics, Em's inter-school athletics, Faith in God for Em, Dancing on Thursday and Friday and Emerson's Dance Show on Saturday, Relief Society Christmas Dinner, a morning tea at the school, a disco, a playdate for the kids and our Christmas shopping to complete. Just a little busy.
The girls have two weeks of school left then I have to start entertaining them. Oh fun. Anyone want them?
On a random note: I just ate a roasted beetroot. Yum!!!
Emerson has been super busy with jump jam (they came fourth) and her Community Dance show, she also has a choir performance next week. She often does solo's now in choir and she is chuffed when that opportunity comes up.
Leah is loving athletics. It's well run and they are taught the techniques of athletics, it's not just a go and do thing so I like that. She is in her element. She still wants to be a vet and is trying to convince Ammon he wants to be one too.
Ammon wants to be a cowboy that rides not a horse, but a motorbike. He has a lot of fights with Caleb (such boys!) and loves playdates and sleepovers more than anything.
Caleb is growing his vocab. His most said words are gone, mess, go away and breakfast. He can also say sorry, chocolate and fell down along with all the usual hello, bye, mum, dad, nanny, papap (papa) etc... But his favourite thing is to play with my iphone or Nate's ipad. He gets it, unlocks it, finds his game and starts playing. On to it isn't he? He likes "Talking News" - a cat and a dog that repeats what you say, or you can make them fall over or spin around. What's he going to be like when he's really techno-savvy??
Nate is hanging out for his Christmas holidays and really looking forward to camping. We are still deciding whether to go to the farm on boxing day. Actually I think we are leaning more towards staying home and just going to Cooks in January.
I am trying not to forget Emerson's birthday. Boy enough to think of a christmas present, let alone a birthday present too. Idea's welcome. She's going to be 9.
*** update ***
Emerson came 2nd in her 200m heat at the interschool sports, so she made it through to the final and came 3rd overall! Well done my Emmy girl.