Wednesday, February 18, 2009

The Yummiest Muesli Bar

I just felt like sharing the recipe for a muesli bar that my family just loves.

Melt and simmer for 5 minutes: 1/2 cup brown sugar, 1/2 cup honey, 125g butter
Then combine it with: 1 cup rolled oats, 4 crushed weet-bix, 1 cup rice bubbles, 1 cup coconut, 1/2 cup dried fruit.
Press into greased swiss roll tin and cut while warm. Set and store in fridge.

So easy.... so yummy!


  1. Mmmmmm....I'm going to try this one. My girls aren't big on muesli bars, but that's probably because they just don't have it very often, so they don't get used to it. I know I'll eat a ton of it if they don't though. :D

  2. Oh wow Janferay, good on YOU. I reckon I might try your recipe too.

  3. We made it this afternoon. YUUUUMMMMMM!!!!!!! Brooke had 2 pieces and wanted more. Elisa had 1 piece, and I had 3 :D LOL
