Thursday, March 12, 2009


We attended a memorial service on Tuesday night for a friend who passed away from cancer. We had no intention of taking the kids with us and so made plans for them to stay at Nanny and Papa's, however the girls insisted they wanted to come with us so we only left Ammon behind.
The girls have only been to one funeral before but they seem so at ease with death and being around a body who's spirit has flown home. This time Leah even asked if she could touch him. She was shown how and where but I don't think she did in the end, but for her to even ask was a brave moment. It really showed me how little fear she has regarding death.
We have tried to help them understand that although the body is buried in the ground, the Spirit returns to Heavenly Father and we will see them again. I think they are getting it.
Our friend was ready to meet Heavenly Father and even looked forward to it, I don't think I could say that right now. I'm not sure how much of that is a) I don't want to leave my children and husband yet or b) I'm not ready to be judged by my maker. Hmmm... improvements to make yet I think.... I really should work on that...

(For those of you not familiar with Kiwi culture, when a loved one passes, they lie in state in their home for usually three days where family and friends can farewell them before they are taken to the cemetery for burial.)

1 comment:

  1. Em drew a picture of Gordi in the coffin and wrote about it. It's good that the kids are comfortable with funerals and viewing bodies. I think Em really likes the social side of it all!
