We arrived at Hospital at 9am Sunday, but she didn't get her medicine till 12pm. Each dose is 6 hours apart so she couldn't have another one that day hence not alot happened. She amused herself with colouring, reading, watching movies, playing games, admiring her view
and watching the older girls in her room and wishing she could "hang" with them but they weren't too interested in a younger girl hanging around. She was not allowed to eat before her medicine and after that could only have sugar-free juice, diabetic jelly and strained soup. She was so hungry! Of course there was no way I was going to eat in front of her so I fasted most of Sunday and had something to eat when she was asleep or visiting with family. Her visitors were Nanny, Papa, Daddy, Jennie, Ammon and Leah.

We shared her bed (so much better than the lazyboy!) and dealt with her throwing up at 2am.
Monday medicine arrived at 8am and the playroom opened at 9am so she spent the entire morning in there doing art and craft. She loved it. She couldn't handle anymore soup or jelly so decided not to eat anything on Monday and was thrilled when Papa brought her some sprite-zero that she could drink - a new flavour. The playroom closed at lunchtime but they gave her a tray of things to do in her room for the afternoon. Next medicine was at 1pm and things finally started happening. The doc came in at 4pm and said we could go home and to continue at home as we have been doing all along. You should have seen her face when the doc said she could eat now!! My goodness, such delight!! She has been eating since.
So we are sticking close to home today in case her medicine still affects her, but tomorrow Emerson and Leah are off on holiday to their cousins. They are so excited.
It's good that hospital was a much less painful experience this time.
ReplyDeleteLet's hope she'll eventually get off the medicine.
Papa wants to leave early for Auckland tomorrow and they will go to Prattleys. The Bells are going there to play before taking one of the girls home with them.
Ammon and I will stay in Hamilton for the day so he can sleep in his own bed.
Emmy had a great visit. She and the boys had a long spa on Wed afternoon - busily squirting cold water from the pool at each other! Then a big dinner (chicken enchildas) followed by supper and bed. All three kids fell asleep as soon as their heads hit the pillow. Today they watched "Enchanted" and then we drove up Mt Wellington, had morning tea and walked around the crater. We had some more time to fill so went to a great local playground. Now we're just waiting for Jacinda and the girls to arrive for a yummy bakery lunch. I think Em wants another spa too! Then Em and Leah swap over tonight. Em has been very good taking her medicine and sitting on the toilet when asked.
ReplyDeleteThe girls were so excited to be going for "sleepovers". It's great that you can do that for each other.
ReplyDeleteLeah's visit with us was loads of fun. Soon after she was dropped off, we headed for the beach where the girls had a blast on the playground and on the sand. Too cold for swimming, but that didn't stop them getting their feet wet as they built their goody-gumdrop creations. After a couple of hours there we got home in time for dinner (pasta, fish cakes and veges) and dessert (jelly). The girls then had a fabulously loud time in the bath, then stories and bed. It took them about an hour to settle down, but once they stopped talking they were asleep in seconds. The morning was spent playing here at home before heading to Yvette's for lunch.
ReplyDeleteAfter swapping the girls about, we brought Em home with us, stopping at the Mini Putt along the way. It's a jungle themed mini golf course (all indoors) and I have to say I was VERY impressed with the way they designed and decorated the place. We all had fun (no idea who won), and the girls got to choose an icecream on the way out. No doubt they won't be too hungry for dinner, but we'll see how far spaghetti bolognaise gets them. Speaking of which, I better go get that sorted. Will get Em to call you before she goes to bed.
What a fun day Jc! They won't want to come home tomorrow.