Monday, April 06, 2009

Will you cross your fingers too?

Emerson had her check up today at the childrens clinic at the hospital. It's been two years since she had her surgery, she came home easter weekend 2007 and hobbled around making an easter egg hunt for her family.
The memory brings anguish to my heart and tears to my eyes. My poor girl - all that she has had to go through. I just want it finished for her! It has been a really hard road for her, for me, for her Daddy. So much frustration, so many times when we should have been easier on her... it just feels endless. I wish I could take it away from her, she's had to endure it for too long now.
Her visit today may result in a hospital stay during the holidays. That may not be a bad thing. She will hate it, but this time it won't be invasive or painful, she won't be poked and prodded or drugged out of her mind. I won't have to watch my baby in pain or cry at her bedside and maybe, just maybe this might fix it all.
Gosh I wish I had more fingers to cross.


  1. My fingers are crossed too. Make sure she gets a blessing. I'll put her on the Temple roll on Monday if you haven't already.

  2. Yup, I second the blessing idea. Our prayers are coming your way as well. I think we're all a lot harder on our kids than we need to be (without realising it). The poor wee poppet - our fingers and toes are crossed for you...

  3. Same from here in Aussie too...
