Thursday, October 22, 2009

Kindy going well. Ammon went off like a charm yesterday, too interested in blowing bubbles and looking at the hot air balloon to worry about Mummy leaving. Sounded like he had a good day too. His only tantrum I think was that he couldn't ride all the bikes. Leah's area had bike day and he wanted to ride too.
Nate's ride yesterday didn't go so well. He got a flat tyre and two broken spokes after the warm up round. He got to ride on his friend's bike for the third race but by then it was getting dark and he couldn't see the track very well. Bummer.
Em starts basketball tonight. She's also looking at playing t-ball on saturday's but only if her girl friends are playing too. She has to decide by tomorrow morning. Costs $5.
We've got the elders coming for dinner tonight, I'm so not motivated in the kitchen lately. We'll have butter chicken and rice, but not sure that dessert will happen. Mmmm... crack open a couple cans of fruit and all might be ok.... lazy huh? I am just not into cooking dinner anymore. Of course I still do, 'cause the kids get hungry but for me it is one of those dreaded tasks where I wish I could afford to pay someone to cook our dinners every night. Anyone want to work for free??


  1. Poor Nathan. I hope the next ride is more successful for him.
    I hope Emerson had a good game of basketball and it will be lovely to come and watch her play t-ball next week. Is that $5 each time or is it for the season?
    Cooking can be a pain if it's not something you are keen on, so I guess the weekly or monthly menu method is the way to go for you. You've got a few years to go before the kids will be old enough to do some of it for you.
    Love to everyone

  2. I so hear you about lack of motivation in the kitchen. We've had too many 'quick' dinners lately because I've not been in the mood to cook properly. Not that it worries the girls having weetbix, or eggs on toast for dinner occasionally. I finally motivated myself on Wednesday and cooked Apricot Chicken with rice and a fresh green salad, then gave them fresh fruit salad with yoghurt dip for dessert. It all went down a treat. Tonight we're having Corned Beef, carrots, potatoes and salad. I really have to make up a menu plan again. Ever since I stopped planning my meals I've found it a pain come dinner time to figure out what I want.
