Saturday, November 21, 2009

Catch Up

I've finally taken a picture of the family proclamation that we bought from stratas art at the college market day. We love it. We haven't quite decided where to hang it yet though.

We took the kids to see the Michael Jackson movie on Wednesday. Their favourite song is "Beat it" but they enjoyed the movie, even though Leah and Ammon were quite tired by the end of it. Thursday night I saw New Moon with some girlfriends. I enjoyed it. Friday night I went to New Moon (again), this time with a friend who couldn't make it the night before and didn't want to go by herself.

I take the movie for what it is - entertainment, and bringing to life a few pages of a book that I enjoyed. I don't analyze it too much, unlike a lot of other people that just can't keep their negative opinions to themselves about the book and movie. They have to voice it instead of just letting others like it or not. When others are negative it can certainly take the bright spark away for you. I find that annoying.

This morning we had an activity at church about All Things Christmas. Ideas for this season that costs little money but shares lots of love. It started with Gifts from the Kitchen, yummy things to make and give. My kids love to do this, so we will try some of the receipes this year on their teachers and our neighbours. Then we moved into Family Traditions and I got a great idea I think I will try out on Em on her birthday. Then we had two workshops - making a nativity and making a waterfall photo card. Everyone seemed to enjoy it, and I am in the Christmas spirit. Especially now with all my Christmas decorations and tree out that I used to decorate the room at church this morning. I think it's time to put it up at home. It can be my birthday present to myself.

Nate and I had a great holiday at Coolangatta earlier this month. We arrived Sunday and walked the beach and window shopped and then caught a bus to a mall to browse some more. Monday we spent at wet'n'wild and that was fun. We hired a car to go there and went to another mall along the way. We definitely want to take the kids there. Maybe we'll go same time next year, and stay at the same hotel. It was close to the airport, had a great pool for the kids and the room was a family one with a kitchen, lounge, bedroom and bathroom/laundry. Perfect. We came home Tuesday. One more day would have been excellent but it was really nice to have some time to ourselves.

We're off to Waihi next weekend for a ward camp. It'll be fun. The girls got their invitation to Elisa's birthday but unfortunately it is the same day we are away. They want to come, but you can't be in two places at one time. Happy Birthday Elisa, hope you have a great day!


  1. Your activity sounded lovely. I'll have to pick your brains for more details so I can copy. :)

    Did you realise that the New Moon series was written by an LDS mum? There is a review about it on the Meridian Magazine site. Was really interesting how she worked some church doctrine through the story. I haven't read the book or seen the movie myself though.

  2. Yes I knew she was a member. I really enjoyed the books. You should read them. They are different from the movies in respect that alot of the story takes place in Bella's head which obviously is hard to translate to screen. Take it for what it is worth though - entertainment.

  3. So are you seeing the movie again on Tuesday night? Is it as good or better or not as good as Twlight? I liked that one so will probably see this one.
    Not worth waiting for Ammon to grow up a bit more before taking them to Aus?
    Did you see JC's advent calendar? A great idea that I wish I'd done with you kids!

  4. Jf, I'll print you a calendar and give it to Mum on Saturday if you want. I'll leave the bottom page blank so you can write in your own activities (you have much nicer handwriting than me) and depending on time whether you have to cut the doors open or not. It's easy to do - I just have a lot on my plate this week and not sure I have time.
