Saturday, February 20, 2010


With the kids away at Mum's last night, Nate and I got to get a few errands done. One was to buy Leah some new training wheels for Em's old bike. She wouldn't ride it because it felt so wobbly, but now she is stoked and was off down the driveway like a shot as soon as she got on it. It fits her so much better than her last bike.
The other thing we did was to start getting Ammon's birthday presents. How organised is that?! It's still two months away, but today we got him a bike (it's a tradition in our home to get a bike on your 2nd birthday) and a big bed. As you can see the bike is a hideous colour (KTM motorbike brand), but we think he'll enjoy it once his legs are long enough to reach the ground. The seat is adjustable and nope it's not meant to have pedals.
The bed is part of a second bunk set, identical to what we already have. We'll put it up for his birthday. Hmmm... perhaps I should buy him some boy sheets?? For some reason his daddy would prefer he didn't ride purple and pink bikes, or sleep in purple or pink sheets! Go figure.
We'll keep the second bunk in the shed till we need it which won't be soon for baby, but the kids may use it if friends sleep over.
Also got the cleaning done at work, the lawns mowed, Leah's teddy fixed up and a rest before the kids came home and we went for dinner at Marc and Nat's. Not much beats sitting around with good friends and good food with good weather and a swimming pool.


  1. Cute bike! You know, until Ammon starts complaining about the sheet colours himself I'd just go with what you have. I bet he doesn't even notice. Unless you get sheets with planes on them. :D

  2. That's what I say too, but I don't think I can convince Nate of that just yet. Besides I only have 2 sets for each bed as it is so I need more anyway.

  3. Pity his legs don't reach the ground comfortably yet. I don't think the front wheel on his motorbike is going to last much longer and he does love it so! Wonder if Ryan has one he is not using now.

  4. Wow you pack a lot into your days!
    Looks like a weeks worth of work to me. We love those balance bikes too. Already picked out the one we want for Grace. Need to wait til she at least walking though.

  5. Logan is still using our little black motorbike. I think it was one of our best buys - both boys have loved it. My boy's sheets are white, blue and one set with vehicles all over it. Plus one handmedown thomas the tank engine flannelette set! White's always good as you can use them on the girl's bed if you need too and the colour goes with whatever cover or bedroom scheme you've got going!

  6. I think Ammon is at that plane, trains and automobiles stage. He'd love that. But good idea on the white too.
