Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Em's Teacher Interview

There was no bad news yesterday, only good. But what else would we expect from our bright spark?
Reading: 'Above' achievement in word recognition, sentence comprehension and vocab, 'at' achievement in paragraph comprehension. After 3 years at school she should be reading at her age or end of level 1 - Em is reading at the age of a 10 year old or beginning of level 3 right now. Where will she be at the end of the year?!
To work on: to think more deeply about the text, learn the difference between facts and opinions, to locate relevant information from a range of texts.
Writing & Spelling: She is on track for her age, is a fluent writer who is beginning to add more detail to her stories, a capable speller.
To work on: using dialogue correctly, use similies and metaphors, to take care to spell basic words correctly (she writes too fast and misspells).
Maths: She is on track for her age.
To work on: subtraction facts to 20, practice her 2, 5, 10 x tables and using place value to solve two digit addition problems.

She enjoys responsibility and is in the extended literacy group and drama group. Her toileting is going very well at school too so overall she's doing really well. Her teacher is very happy with her, so are we.

Had a midwife visit today. I am now considered full term and baby can come any time. Not that mine ever come early! But this one is now halfway engaged and in a good position. I've been quite stressed over the kids bedrooms but have finally decided to chuck them all in Emerson's room and the baby can have it's own room for a few months. It might be cramped and Ammon will probably protest but it's what I prefer. I got one coat of a new colour on the walls yesterday, so as soon as the second coat is done I can move them all in then repaint baby's room. I aim to have this all finished next week then I will be all ready (in my mind at least).


  1. Congratulations Em on your excellent report. I know if I was the teacher I would love having you in my class. I just love how all of our 3 school kids are doing so well. I am specially pleased that toileting is going well now. I am looking forward to watching you at basketball tomorrow.
    I can help you paint or look after Ammon from Friday on, if you need help to get done in time. Let me know.

  2. Yay Emmy! Good on you. That is a great report. Brooke and Elisa are looking forward to coming down to Nanny & Papas on the 21st, and getting together with you girls at some point during the weekend. They should be able to meet your new brother or sister by then too. They are sleeping over at Aunty Yvette's place this Friday night so Mum can go to a Stake Relief Society Activity on Saturday morning.

  3. Well done Em! We are very proud of you. Ryan loved his birthday presents - thank you very much. The boys are excited to have Brooke and Elisa here tonight.
