Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Almost Holidays

The week before school holidays always turns out to be the busiest of the term. Tomorrow Emerson has a jump jam performance then a shared lunch. At 5pm she has her basketball final. Thursday both the girls have a class shared lunch each then a disco that night. Friday is the end of the term and Leah wants a pyjama party. Saturday Em has a church class movie night at her friends house.
Tomorrow night I'm off to watch "Eclipse" with some girlfriends so hopefully Caleb will feed just before I go then not till I get home. Otherwise we do have some frozen milk so I'm sure he'll be fine, it's just that he hasn't had a bottle before so here's hoping he doesn't mind it. Luckily for Nathan it's the late movie so the other kids will be in bed and he'll only have Caleb to deal with at that time. Mind you, in saying that, how often does Murphy's Law come into play at times like this?? One of the kids is bound to get up or be unsettled. Oh well, I get them all the other times, it's Nate's turn for a night.
Caleb is doing good. His burping is getting better. Stancy made me wonder if it wasn't a little to do with some antibiotics I was on as he was pretty good before then, and he's getting better now I'm off them.... something to think about.... He's decided he doesn't want to have nice morning sleeps so is unsettled till about lunch time then will sleep a good 5 hours or so (waking briefly to feed). It's just a shame that's when I have to get the kids from school, or cook dinner. Wouldn't 5 hours of straight sleep be heaven?!
I've just finished reading book #5 of the Vampire Academy series by Michelle Read (?). SO GOOD! I only got it on Sunday, and finished it today. Stink. Now what do I read? Book #6 doesn't come out till the end of the year. Any suggestions people?

By the way: Emerson is stoked you've all been writing on her blog. It was set up at school (all her classmates have one too) but she wants to update it fairly regularly.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Caleb is growing

Megan my midwife came to visit this morning. Here's his stats:
Born: 3900g, 54cm
1st week: 3920g (+20g), 54.5cm
2nd week: 4280g (+360g)
So he's had a bit of a growth spurt now that my milk is fully in. The average is about 160g weight gain per week and he has doubled that. I visited Nana yesterday and she said he is heavier already, wasn't she right?

The breastfeeding seems to be under control now that he has learnt to open his mouth wider, so I am feeling better. Megan has suggested I try the cooled-boiled-water to get him to burp at night, which is something we used to do with Emerson so will see how that goes. Caleb also has a red bum from the wipes. I've been too lazy to do the warm water thing, but now I'll have to. Poor boy. At least the pawpaw is helping. So that's where things are at with him for now.

Here's two pages Jacinda did for us. Thanks JC!

Friday, June 18, 2010

Nights are better

Caleb has settled down a lot at night and goes straight back to sleep after his feeds now. Yay. The night before last, I fed him at some early hour then came back to bed and Leah comes in with a nightmare, so she sleeps with me till the next feed when I send her back to her bed. I feed Caleb and come back to bed to find Ammon in there! He stays till the morning. Moral of the story? Buy a bigger bed.
I don't mind the kids coming into our bed when they are upset or scared, that's what your Mama and Daddy are for aye? To comfort and cuddle you. It's such an easy thing to make them feel safe and secure just by being near you.

I'm not feeling flash today. I think maybe a hint of mastitis or something, which is surprising really because I don't think I have been particulary exhausted/tired/overwhelmed/run down but it has a little of the same feeling. I think I am just prone to mastitis regardless of what I do. I have some antibiotics which I started last night for an ear infection that should cover it aswell, so we'll see how I feel tomorrow. Luckily a few things I had on for today have been re-scheduled so I have the day to do NOTHING. Think I'll even leave the kids in after school care today so I can make the most of it.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Slowly learning...

I have to keep reminding myself that babies are learning. Bubba is learning to feed and to sleep and it's going to take time. The first couple of nights home were not so fun, but Mum stayed last night with bubba in the lounge and it was so great to get some decent sleep (both Nate and I). I still fed him (and watched the soccer too) but to be able to pass him off and go back to bed was just great. I feel somewhat refreshed and not so in need of a nap today. He is averaging 3-4 hourly feeds.

Ammon loves to have cuddles with bubba. He wasn't so keen to go off to kindy this morning, would much prefer to spend the day with his Nanny! He all of sudden looks so grown up, he's definitely not my baby boy anymore and neither does he feel like it! He's suddenly alot heavier than I remember him being last week. The difference from holding a newborn eh? Ammon still loves to go swimming, eat chocolate and play rough-and-tumble. His language is getting really good and he is so polite, always using his manners. He counts to 14 and his favourite songs are I am a child of God, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, Dingly Dangly Scarecrow and Baa Baa Black Sheep.

Leah is going through a "not very good listening" stage. Since you can't smack them, and sending her to her room does nothing, we have started putting her outside for a couple minutes. Normally this is at night time and Leah hates the dark, so is actually working very well. Sounds mean, but she's only been outside once, it seems to have been the trick. Now all we have to do is threaten to put her out there and she does what she's told. She just gets so easily distracted and that is her problem. Ask her to put her pyjama's on and from the lounge to the bedroom, she finds all sorts of things to start doing instead. I'm sure she doesn't do it intentionally but it just drives you nuts how often you have to repeat yourself. Other than that, she enjoys school and her reading is coming along really well. She wants to go back to swimming next term too.

Emerson has been very clingy for the past month or two. Perhaps it is baby coming into the family, but she has needed more love and one-on-one time lately. She's a good girl and is enjoying jump jam and dancing and basketball. They didn't get to play bball last week and she cried, she had really been looking forward to playing. She has to go on some medicine this week but hopefully things will settle real soon for her now that her nights are so much better.

Nate says work is going well. He is really learning to prioritize the clients that are a better benefit to his time. It all seems to be coming along and the Lord continues to bless us financially - so happy for tax return time!!! - as his business gets up and running. He is playing rugby and loves playing at #8. He's been out the past two weeks as he got a concussion, but that has been good timing with baby. Hmmm... should I knock him in the head so he'll be home all the time??? ha ha.

As for me, I still have a belly and sore boobs but this is what I wanted. How lucky did I get to have two girls and two boys?! Give me a month and things will be all sweet again. There are no big plans in the future, just the daily kids/school/family stuff. Even the school holidays is a bit far ahead for my thinking ability but we are planning to bless baby on July 4th. If you are around, you are welcome to come. 9am Sandwich Rd chapel, lunch at our place at 12.30pm.
I'm not missing work at all (I've been off a month already!) and feel spoilt to be receiving dinners courtesy of the relief society ladies at church this week. I so LOVE not having to cook. Although next week I'll have to figure out how to get dinner done when I'm sure that will be exactly the time baby needs feeding! Fun times ahead.... yay.

10pm 16/6/10
p.s. We have named him - finally!

Monday, June 14, 2010

New Look

Thought I'd have a change of look here, we'll see how it goes - might change it again soon.

Of course there is more change within our home now that baby is here. (Nope no name yet). He didn't have a great night last night as he struggles to wind very well even though he needs to. Unfortunately he's not going to be like Yvette's kids and just fart it out, I wish. The only time he'd stay asleep was in my arms, so he and I ended up sleeping out on the couch. I wonder if it was his tummy and being held was easier on it?? Of course he's had a feed and got changed this morning and gone right back to sleep - in his own bed!!!!! You can't win can you?

I was so tired from him being awake so much that I could barely wake up to have prayers with my family and see them out the door. Thanks to Nate for getting the girls ready for school and to Emmy for feeding Ammon breakfast. I think this calls for a pyjama day today - who can be bothered? Even Ammon isn't keen to get dressed and it's 10:15am.

(Nate and baby - about midnight 10/06/10)

Also - thought I'd backtrack a little and tell how the birth went. Heavenly Father must have known it wasn't going to go my way and so prepared me earlier than usual. My contractions started on Wednesday morning then went away and came back around midnight Wed/Thu and just went all day. With the other 3 I just started about 4pm and had them that night - done and dusted. But this one went all day, just plodding along. Not fun. They got more intense about 4pm but not regularly intense till about 7.30pm. We got to the hospital at 8.30pm, but unfortunately it was so busy that there was no aneasthetist available to give me an epidural. I thought for sure one would turn up and give me one.... mmm.... nope. I put up with it for a fair while, then asked for the gas. I was probably on it for about 5 minutes when my waters broke. 8 minutes later (at 10.38pm) he was born. Ouch. Doubly ouch because he came out with his hand up by his head. However it went really well and I didn't have any problems. I just can't believe I gave birth without an epidural! What an experience. Will I do it again? For some reason not so quick to say yes like I did after Ammon was born.........

p.s. A huge thank you to Mum for looking after the kids while I was at waterford. Thank you so very much Mum.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

June 10th

Thank you to those who are sponsoring the girls. Their learn-a-thon is on the 18th so will let you know how they go.

Emerson had a good visit with the hospital paediatrician yesterday. He gave her three things to do over the next six months:
1) Drink more water - this will help flush out her wee's and poo's so they don't build up or get stagnant. This will become the most likely cause of any infections she might get.
2) Mark on a calendar what days she does poo's. This is so I can see how often she is going and catch her before she gets constipated.
3) Learn to go to the toilet before going to bed without having to be reminded by someone else. To take some responsibility here.
She is doing so well and has been out of night nappies for 2 weeks now, having only wet once because she didn't go to the toilet before bed. We are so pleased.

Oh by the way - looks like today could be the day. Having a fun morning of contractions - early one's yet but still, at last!!!!!

Wednesday, June 09, 2010


The girls have a learn-a-thon next week. Emerson's is on her knowledge on NZ, Leah's is her knowledge of Hamilton (covering geography, history, famous people, sports and culture). If anyone wants to sponsor them, let us know. You can give a donation or an amount per correct question.
Money goes towards learning resources for their classrooms.

p.s. Had a visit with the midwife yesterday, baby is fine and seemingly happy to stay where it is for now. However I'll probably get booked in for an induction at the hospital perhaps Monday. Here's hoping it comes on it's own before then.

Monday, June 07, 2010

No different this time

I guess I should be used to this. None of our babies have ever come close to being on time, but you still wish it would happen sooner than it does. I am feeling heavier, more tired, feeling the back ache but still no real signs it is coming today. Darn it.

Nate tells me to hurry up, like I can click my fingers and say "come on baby", and then it'll come. I wish...........

Friday, June 04, 2010


Feeling much better today, thankfully only a 24 hour bug. Still no signs of baby.

Thursday, June 03, 2010


Bad sleep last night - I think I have Nathan and Emerson's stomach bug. Oh joy. Thank goodness Mum is taking Ammon for the day and I can spend the whole day in bed reading and sleeping.
So much for spring cleaning the rest of the house today....

p.s. Landline fixed. Yay.

Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Today is the day!

Well, it's supposed to be, but it's not. Nothing happening here folks.

....except a lot of housework. With nothing better to do, I have been spring cleaning. Not with a burning desire to nest, but that it has just bugged me long enough, and if I don't do it now it won't get done.

We are with slingshot. Today they did an upgrade in their system and now I have no landline. Finally got the internet working, but still no home phone. Don't miss it till you don't have it aye? There has been an upside to no internet today, I wouldn't have cleaned if I could have done family history or wasted time on facebook!

Oh well, we'll just stay here and wait....and wait.... till baby decides to come. Oh - boys names still welcome.