Thursday, June 24, 2010

Caleb is growing

Megan my midwife came to visit this morning. Here's his stats:
Born: 3900g, 54cm
1st week: 3920g (+20g), 54.5cm
2nd week: 4280g (+360g)
So he's had a bit of a growth spurt now that my milk is fully in. The average is about 160g weight gain per week and he has doubled that. I visited Nana yesterday and she said he is heavier already, wasn't she right?

The breastfeeding seems to be under control now that he has learnt to open his mouth wider, so I am feeling better. Megan has suggested I try the cooled-boiled-water to get him to burp at night, which is something we used to do with Emerson so will see how that goes. Caleb also has a red bum from the wipes. I've been too lazy to do the warm water thing, but now I'll have to. Poor boy. At least the pawpaw is helping. So that's where things are at with him for now.

Here's two pages Jacinda did for us. Thanks JC!


  1. Lovely journaling on both pages. The colours and layouts are gorgeous too. Let's hope Caleb doesn't keep growing at the same rate or he'll be his daddy's front row forward.

  2. Hah his birthweight is nearly both of our girls combined. Great to see he is gaining weight well too Janf
