Monday, July 26, 2010

Ammon's a big boy now

Yep - Ammon has finally done poo's on the toilet. Daddy took him tonight. He didn't want any help though, and waited for Nate to leave him to his business, but then called for us when he was done. He had a really big smile. Yay Ammon!

Shocking what a mother gets excited about!

Today Emerson was told there would be no basketball team this season. The basketball outfit misplaced their team entry and now there is no room on the draw for them. She is not happy. However with the jump jam finals and her dancing performance in term 4 she is going to be kept busy enough. She also has choir and they are singing at a local church in a couple of weeks. I guess she and Daddy will have to have lots of one-on-one to keep her bball skills up till next year.
Another thing with Emerson - I got sick of her biting her nails (they look like Regans!) so I got her some of that horrible nail polish that tastes foul. It is working. We've only been using it since friday but so far so good. This morning she was all excited that she could see her nails growing.


  1. Send some polish to Regan for his birthday!!
    Poor Em. I'm about as disappointed as she is about the basketball. She has made amazing progress.
    Let's hope Ammon repeats his great feat.

  2. That polish never quit worked for me :) Eventually you get used to the taste :)
