Thursday, July 01, 2010

Heavy Boy

Caleb is piling on the weight. Gained 550g this week to now weigh 4810g.

Emmy's team won their basketball final last night. She also did a great jump jam performance at school yesterday. I filmed both, so once I track down a DV cable for my camera I'll put some video on to show you.


  1. You must be feeding that kid entire chickens!

  2. What can I say?? I'm a good cow I guess.

  3. Petria phoned me this morning (she was showing her friend how to use the Skype calling function). She couldn't believe the half kg weight gain - said that's not breastmilk, that's steak!! Well done you! Boys are looking forward to meeting Caleb next week.

  4. Yvette was available on Skype!!??
