Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Busy month

Hello hello!
We're gearing up for a busy month or two now. This Saturday Em has a party to go to, next Saturday is Primary Presentation practice then the real thing the next day, the Saturday after that is ward camp/jump jam weekend. I also have to get the Christmas shopping done BEFORE December 1st - well that's my goal anyway. The kids chose who they were going to buy for last night: Em for Leah, Leah for Ammon (who promptly announced he wanted a mickey mouse toy) and Ammon for Em. Caleb we're leaving out and Nate and I don't need anything. It's just more money anyway. We spend too much money on Christmas on our own family and the families we grew up in and honestly right now we really don't have it. I suggest next year all families only buy for themselves, or one family buys for one family not all families, anyone keen??

We're off camping from January 4-11th at Cooks Beach with the Aitchison's. I am really really really hoping it doesn't rain this time and that it's just fabulous beautiful sunshine all the time.
Emerson has chosen to have her baptism on January 15th (probably around 3pm) so please bookmark that in your calenders family.

I am not totally happy with my new computer. I've had the technician here twice already and we've only had it a week and a half. First time the screen was faulty, the second time there was a buzzing. I think the buzzing is still here, it comes and goes. I'm ready for a refund I think. Nate wants to go with an Apple instead. I'm not sure if it's due to the screen size or something else but the writing looks a bit blurry to me in parts and that's making my eyes go funny. Ah Dell, not a happy customer.

The kids: Caleb has his sleeping a little mucked up, I have had to wake him the last 3 days in the morning or else I don't get out the door on time. He still wakes to feed around 1-3am and is genuinely hungry. Ammon has been waking a bit at night too so I'm running on low. It's making my mind scrambled and I'm finding it a bit of a struggle to get my thoughts in order and to get things done. It's just tiredness, but when does a Mum get to rest when she is breastfeeding?? Yes my choice to have another child, and I have absolutely no regrets, in fact I'd do it again if Nate would let me (but that's a debate to go on for a while yet...), but a good Mum needs sleep too.

Caleb is good at rolling back to tummy now and likes to chew on his thumb, not suck it. Actually he likes to chew on anyone's thumb/finger/hand! He is in size 00-0 clothes and had his first taste of food the other day when Nanny let him suck on a piece of watermelon.

Ammon likes having playdates with his friends and even went to watch the burn-out competition in Morrinsville with his Daddy. Yes he had ear muffs. In fact I'd like to find him some little one's for his xmas stocking if anyway knows where I can look? He still doesn't like going to kindy but has a great time once he is there. He loves church.

Leah has discovered she does not like walking home from school. Had to do it yesterday and was not impressed. I figure though that they can walk if the sun is shining and we don't have anywhere to be. Lucky Leah will get picked up today though as Em has basketball practice after school and I don't want either of the girls to walk home alone. Leah is still our girly girl but loves to play with Ammon. They have a great time together, it's fun to watch.

Em got player of the day at her last game, she continues to improve in her basketball and is learning particularly about defense. She is a good little hassler and drives the opposing player nuts with getting in the way. I think she enjoys it because she even swaps with her teammates so she can play against the better taller players. Em is also in her class relay team at her athletics day next week. Will have to go watch that one.

Both the girls have singing and speaking parts in their primary presentation on the 14th. Hopefully Leah won't get stage fright. I'm not sure if the nursery is doing anything. 9am if you want to come.


  1. I'll be at the Primary Presentation.
    What time b/ball this week?
    Go with a new computer - you've had too much trouble and you don't trust it now.
    The girls will get used to walking home if you hang in there. The exercise will be good for them. Well maybe not Em - she does plenty already.

  2. Haven't heard the bball time yet. She should bring it home today.
    I think Leah just wore the wrong shoes as it rubbed a sore she had, so she'd take her shoes off and then find the ground too hot to walk on.

  3. Hi,
    just a thought about the night feeds. My milk used to get very low in the early evening and Grace would wake up for an extra feed. I solved it by giving the bedtime feed(6.30 pm ish) from a bottle that I pumped earlier. That meant that by 10 I had a very full feed for her and she slept right through. As you are so tired you could have the same thing going on? I am trying to improve my internet conection so I can skype you all. xxxx
