Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Another Hospital Visit

We heard from the hospital today. Emerson's case was discussed at a conference yesterday and they have decided that she should have another ultrasound scan. The scan she is fine with, it is the catheter she is NOT keen on. They are going to check her kidney's and see how they are doing four years later and after all her infections. Once they have done that they will get more aggressive with her soiling and constipation problem. Apparently. She is not going to like this.

She has decided upon a high fibre diet that she is happy with. Don't think 'diet' in terms of starving, just refining what she already has. Grain bread instead of white. Vege sticks in her lunch instead of chips. Cereal instead of toast for breakfast etc... She started yesterday. We' increased her water intake on Thursday and since Friday has had dry nights. I told her if she is still dry by Friday she could get out of nappies. I hope so - for her. She has her overnight camp on Thursday night at school. Daddy is helping do security from 4-6am. They go to Raglan tomorrow for surf sense.

I put Caleb to bed a little while ago but he was calling out so I went to check him and there he was standing up (he WAS in a safe-t-sleep) grinning. Oh no. Bed-times could be starting to get fun.

I started Leah on iron-melts the other day. I think I am already starting to see a difference. She has not been so quick to cry and have a meltdown unless truly hurt - like this morning as we are about to leave for school and Ammon threw a toy at her which made her mouth bleed. But Petria has noticed an improvement in Leah's posture and colour. Hmmm should have done this long ago!

We've been invited to a wedding in Paeroa on Saturday. Still debating whether to go. Will definitely catch up with Yvette though. She's bringing me my mixer I won through the Delonghi silent auction. $50 for at $450 mixer. I'm stoked. Waahooooooooo.


  1. Congrats on the mixer.
    Poor Em. It's never ending. I like the idea of the scan though. Go the high fibre diet - hope she doesn't fart too much!!
    Caleb needs to go have a talk to Loren's Audrey in Aus and learn how to sleep properly. I can just imagine his cheeky grin.
    Hope the melts have a good effect on Leah. She sure needs a boost.
    Lots for you to attend to. Yell out if you need a rest.

  2. I hope Em's troubles end soon. Noone like hospitals.

    Whats an iron-melt?

  3. The name of the iron tablet she takes.

  4. You have so much going on! Very jealous abour the mixer! Well done you xxx

  5. Ooh, I saw your mixer last time I was at Yvettes. Veeeerrry nice!! We'll remember Emmy in our prayers.

    Ugh. Just put my washing on the line and now it's absolutely pouring down. Nice.
