Thursday, February 13, 2014

Twelve Days of Priesthood

I have three boys but the oldest is only 5. Our nephew is turning 12 this month so it has been good to watch him grow and get ideas for our boys. Turning 12 also means he will get the Priesthood at church. Browsing on Pinterest his Mum and I found this wonderful idea to celebrate this milestone. I love how it is spread out over twelve days so that (hopefully) he gets a really good understanding of the Priesthood and it's responsibilities and blessings.

I wanted to make some cards to put in an envelope for him to open, one each morning. It makes it a little more special than him just asking what is happening that day. So I've started making them - chalkboard style. I've never done the chalkboard look before but I'm happy with how they look.
1. Letter
Have an important male figure in your son’s life write about his testimony of the Priesthood or some special experiences with it.  The letter could be from a grandpa, uncle, cousin, leader, friend, advisor or teacher.
2. Family Home Evening Lesson.
Hold a FHE  or two on the Restoration of the Priesthood or what the Priesthood is. Knowledge and understanding is an important part of holding the Priesthood.
3. New suit.
Go suit shopping together and pick out his first suit (or a new one).
Talk about the importance of looking like a servant of the Lord.

4. Small inspirational gift.
Give a rock that has the word ‘Courage’ on it. Talk about the importance of 

having courage to make the right choice (as peer influence becomes more 
powerful than parental influence at this age).  
The rock is small enough to fit into his pocket, so you may slip it into his coat pocket when he goes on a date, to a party, etc. to remind him to have courage.  
The gift could also be a CTR ring, tie tack, book, journal, etc.
5.  Discussion.
Read and discuss together the duties of the Aaronic Priesthood in the Doctrine and Covenants.  See D&C Section 20, 84, 107 and 121 for reference.
This could be another Family Home Evening Lesson.

6. Priesthood Line of Authority.
A Priesthood line of authority traces the Priesthood from man to man back to Jesus Christ. Print your son’s line and make it into a book mark for his scriptures or a nice print for a bedroom wall.

7.  Framed picture.
This could be a picture of Jesus or the temple or your family for his bedroom.
The picture will be a nice reminder in his room of first priorities.

8.  Date with Dad.
Have dad or an uncle take your son on a one-on-one date.
This would be a great time to do a Father’s interview and talk about concerns and questions about holding the Priesthood.

9.  New tie or new white shirt. 
Again this goes back to dressing respectful of the office they hold.

10. Letter from Mum.
While letters from men are important, so is one from mum.  After all, women have testimonies of the Priesthood as well.  You could share a special experience or memory where the Priesthood has blessed your life.

11.  Run-Through.
Turning 12 can be a little scary because you are expected to pass the sacrament
to the congregation. It is always helpful to have a run through of where you are supposed to be and what you are supposed to do.
Coordinate with the Priesthood advisor or quorum president so they can be involved to help your son feel comfortable with his new responsibilities.

12. Actual Ordination.  
Today is the big day.  Invite family to witness the special occasion.
 And make sure to write down the blessing and get a picture of your new Deacon.

So a big thankyou to Tiffany at for sharing this idea. I love it!

BTW - I'm not really sure how to attach files, but I'm happy for you to save my images and use them for your 11-turning-12 year old. :)

I have now done one for my daughter - 13 days of Young Womens.


  1. Super idea. Must help the boy to fully understand what he is doing and why.

  2. Fantastic idea, im going to do this for Toa.
