One of the days is a Family Home Evening on the "For the Strength For Youth" booklet. I wanted to do a memory game with it, but couldn't find anything like what I was thinking of on the net, so I made my own. I laid out the categories in a line and gave her the clues to see if she could match them up.
She eventually got them all right even though she had never seen the booklet before. We read a few words from the booklet on each category that I really wanted her to 'get' so that she had an overview of everything and told her she would learn them more in depth over the next 6 years in YW.
It also gave me a chance to talk to her about sexual purity - a topic every parent I'm sure dreads speaking to their child about but she had already learnt it in Health class so it wasn't as terrible as I feared ;).
It was a good Family Home Evening with her. I'm glad her Dad and I were able to do that together with her.