Monday, December 20, 2010

Photo update

Em in the choir at the school leavers carol service
Leah learning to ride her bike

Leah is beautiful

Ammon and his milo

Banana face

Leah's junior school picnic at the lake

Ammon and Leah are watching TV
Emmy's straight hair
Playing in the rain


mum said...

Love the photos. Don't think the umbrella is doing it's job though!

Janferay said...

No it didn't. I think I need a refund... it must be faulty.

mum said...

Petria said she let Grace go out in the rain with hers too. I had already told her there was an umbrella in the pile of gifts. Bet Ammon just loved it - did he get new boots?

Jf said...

Handmedowns. They were FULL of water when he was done.